A companion piece to Remediation and a means of promoting performances, pleaseglitch.me is the website for OMEGA, the Resistance organization in the ThotBot Storyworld. It represents the first time we are learning about the ThotBot Storyworld from the perspective of this subversive group. 

In addition to a Manifesto and other basic organizational information, the site also hosts a library of "contraband" (anything that evokes a memory and/or provokes an emotion), that is, content users can consume in order to glitch their ThotBot remotely. This comes in the form of television advertisements, which also feature prominently in Remediation.
World wide web surfers might find that one website is password protected. This area can be accessed by attending a Remediation session, obtaining a code cracker (pictured above), and using the contraband menu to solve the puzzle and reveal the password.
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